SPC 2015, 1st IEEE Workshop on Security and Privacy in the Cloud, 30 September 2015, Florence, Italy
Recent technological developments in cloud computing and the ensuing commercial appeal have encouraged companies and individuals to outsource their storage and computations to powerful cloud servers. However, the challenge when outsourcing data and computation is to ensure that the cloud servers comply with their advertised policies. In this paper, we focus in particular on the scenario where a data owner wishes
to (i) outsource its public database to a cloud server; (ii) enable anyone to submit multi-keyword search queries to the outsourced database; and (iii) ensure that anyone can verify the correctness of the server's responses. To meet these requirements, we propose a solution that builds upon the well-established techniques of Cuckoo hashing, polynomial-based accumulators and Merkle trees. The key idea is to (i) build an efficient index for the
keywords in the database using Cuckoo hashing; (ii) authenticate the resulting index using polynomial-based accumulators and Merkle tree; (iii) and finally, use the root of the Merkle tree to verify the correctness of the server's responses. Thus, the proposed solution yields efficient search and verification and incurs a constant storage at the data owner. Furthermore, we show that it is sound under the strong bilinear Diffie-Hellman
assumption and the security of Merkle trees.
Digital Security
Eurecom Ref:
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