KinectFaceDB: A Kinect database for face recognition

Min, Rui; Kose, Neslihan; Dugelay, Jean-Luc

The recent success of emerging RGB-D cameras such as the Kinect sensor depicts a broad prospect of 3-D data-based computer applications. However, due to the lack of a
standard testing database, it is difficult to evaluate how the face recognition technology can benefit from this up-to-date imaging sensor. In order to establish the connection between the Kinect and face recognition research, in this paper, we present the first
publicly available face database (i.e., KinectFaceDB1) based on the Kinect sensor. The database consists of different data modalities (well-aligned and processed 2-D, 2.5-D, 3-D, and video-based face data) and multiple facial variations. We conducted benchmark
evaluations on the proposed database using standard face recognition methods, and demonstrated the gain in performance when integrating the depth data with the RGB data via scorelevel fusion. We also compared the 3-D images of Kinect (from the KinectFaceDB) with the traditional high-quality 3-D scans (from the FRGC database) in the context of face biometrics, which reveals the imperative needs of the proposed database for face recognition research.

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