VNC 2013, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, December 16-18, 2013, Boston, USA
LTE-Direct is an upcoming LTE rel. 12 extension to allow UEs to communicate directly without going through an eNB. LTE-Direct is expected to be used in future LTE-A networks
for unicast Proximity Services, and has not been envisioned so far for broadcast transmissions. In this paper, we propose an eMBMS-inspired mechanism to allocate LTE-Direct resources for
dedicated broadcast/multicast vehicular safety communications. The mechanism does not require any connection procedure for LTE-Direct broadcast transmissions, and proposes to reserve
identical LTE downlink resources over multiple eNB for dedicated communications between UEs. We apply this concept to the periodic broadcast of BSM/CAM and illustrate that the
mechanism's flexibility and extensibility makes LTE-Direct a good complementary technology to DSRC for periodic vehicular safety communications.
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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