Reducing repair traffic in P2P backup systems: Exact regenerating codes on hierarchical codes

Huang, Zhen; Biersack, Ernst; Peng, Yuxing
"ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS)", Vol 7, N°3, October 2011

Peer to peer backup systems store data on “unreliable” peers that can leave the system at any moment. In this case, the only way to assure durability of the data is to add redundancy using either replication or erasure codes. Erasure codes are able to provide the same reliability as replication requiring much less storage space. Erasure coding breaks the data into blocks that are encoded and then stored on different nodes. However, when storage nodes permanently abandon the system, new redundant blocks must be created, which is referred to as repair. For “classical” erasure codes, generating a new block requires the transmission of k blocks over the network, resulting in a high repair traffic. Recently, two new classes of erasure codes, Regenerating Codes and Hierarchical Codes, have been proposed that significantly reduce the repair traffic. Regenerating Codes reduce the amount of data uploaded by each peer involved in the repair, while Hierarchical Codes reduce the number of nodes participating in the repair. In this article we propose to combine these two codes to devise a new class of erasure codes called ER-Hierarchical Codes that combine the advantages of both.


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© ACM, 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in "ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS)", Vol 7, N°3, October 2011