A Local Cognitive Pilot Channel (LCPC) for neighbourhood discovery, relaying and cluster based local cognitive information management

Mueck, Markus; Hayar, Aawatif
CROWNCOM 2010, 5th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, 9-11 Juin 2010, Cannes, France

This paper proposes a novel conceptual wireless communication framework in which Mobile Devices (MDs) are cooperating within geographically localized clusters. A Local Cognitive Pilot Channel (LCPC) is introduced for exchanging context information between such neighbouring MDs and for performing neighbourhood detection; the cluster size is hereby gradually adapted by incremental change of transmission power levels. The neighbourhood detection guarantees that the MDs are aware about the presence of neighbouring peers, followed by a corresponding exchange of context information, distribution of sensing tasks and negotiation of MDs serving as relay nodes; the distributed detection approach furthermore ensures that realtime constraints, as they occur in the presence of mobile MDs for example, are met. It will be shown that such a wireless framework can be deployed using a minimum of infrastructure equipment and is thus in particular useful for an early-phase deployment of a novel technology and/or for cost-reduction due to the minimization of the investment in network-equipment (CAPEX / OPEX reduction).

Communication systems
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