On the Security and Feasibility of Safebook : a Distributed privacy-preserving online social network

Cutillo, Leucio Antonio; Molva, Refik; Strufe, Thorsten
PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School 2010, 6th International Summer School, IFIP AICT 320, Privacy and Identity Management for Life, August 2-6, 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden

Safebook tackles the security and privacy problems of online social networks. It puts a special emphasis on the privacy of users with respect to the application provider and provides defenses against intruders or malicious users. In order to assure privacy in the face of potential violations by the provider, Safebook is designed in a decentralized architecture. It relies on the cooperation among the independent parties that represent the users of the online social network at the same time. Safebook addresses the problem of building secure and privacypreserving data storage and communication mechanisms in a peer-topeer system by leveraging trust relationships akin to social networks in real life. This paper resumes the contributions of [7, 9, 8], and extends the first performance and security evaluation of Safebook.

Digital Security
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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in PrimeLife/IFIP Summer School 2010, 6th International Summer School, IFIP AICT 320, Privacy and Identity Management for Life, August 2-6, 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14282-6_7

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