Team decision for the cooperative MIMO channel with imperfect CSIT sharing

Zakhour, Randa; Gesbert, David

We consider the problem of joint MIMO precoding across multiple distant cooperating transmitters. The transmitters are assumed to be sharing user data and aim at serving a group of users in a distributed MIMO broadcast-like fashion. Among application scenarios, we find the so-called network MIMO setup. The novelty of our setup resides in the fact that each of the transmitters obtains imperfect and importantly, different, estimates of the same global multi-user channel. Despite not sharing the same vision over the CSIT, the transmitters seek to jointly act in a consistent manner in designing the precoders. This problem in facts falls in the class of so-called Team Decision Theory problems. We present some solutions to the problem of beamforming design in this case and illustrate the benefits in practical network scenarios.

Invited paper in a conference
San Diego
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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