The evolution of Internet and its hosts does not match anymore the current Internet architecture, designed when mobility, multihoming and security were not considered, and based on IP addresses with the double role of host's identity and host's topological location. In this paper we propose a secure global and localized mobility management scheme suitable for multihomed Mobile Nodes (MNs) and based on Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6). It merges the new identifier/locator split architecture proposed by HIP, especially designed for providing security and multihoming to MNs, with the micro-mobility management scheme of PMIPv6, which has been proposed for unmodified MNs with future Global Mobility Management (GMM) protocols. HIP-PMIPv6 combination has double benefits. On one side, it represents an efficient micro-mobility solution for HIP. On the other side, it provides a GMM scheme for PMIPv6, which supports intertechnology handover and multihoming together with security. The HIP-PMIPv6 scheme has been implemented in a real testbed and experimental results prove its viability.
Host identity protocol and proxy mobile IPv6 : a secure global and localized mobility management scheme for multihomed mobile nodes
GLOBECOM 2009, IEEE Global Communications Conference, November 30-December 4, 2009, Honolulu, USA
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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