Motivated by the desire for efficient spectral utilization, we present a novel algorithm based on binary power allocation for sum rate maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN). At the core lies the idea of combining multi-user diversity gains with spectral sharing techniques and consequently maximizing the secondary user sum rate while maintaining a guaranteed quality of service (QoS) to the primary system. We consider a cognitive radio network consisting of multiple secondary transmitters and receivers communicating simultaneously in the presence of the primary system. Our analysis treats both uplink and downlink scenarios. We first present a distributed power allocation algorithm that attempts to maximize the throughput of the CRN. The algorithm is simple to implement, since a secondary user can decide to either transmit data or stay silent over the channel coherence time depending on a specified threshold, without affecting the primary users' QoS. We then address the problem of user selection strategy in the context of CRN. Both centralized and distributed solutions are presented. Simulation results carried out based on a realistic network setting show promising results.
Binary power allocation for cognitive radio networks with centralized and distributed user selection strategies
Physical Communication Journal, Elsevier, Volume 1, N°3, September 2008
Communication systems
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© Elsevier. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Physical Communication Journal, Elsevier, Volume 1, N°3, September 2008 and is available at :
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