Cooperative diversity is a rapidly emerging topic for wireless communications, with ad hoc and hybrid/relay networks as two main applications so far. In this paper, we investigate the cooperative diversity concept for MIMO multicell networks, where the processing must be optimized to account for the variability of the channel conditions across the cooperative devices. This can be done via distributed precoding and is realistically based on channel statistics (average gains, correlations, etc.). We give a new approach to the previously coined equal diversity spread principle, through minimization of an approximated SER expression. Next, we focus on a low-complexity approach to minimizing a PEP-based performance measure. Gains are evaluated in a multicell scenario with collaborating base stations.
Precoded distributed space-time block codes in cooperative diversity-based downlink
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.6 N°12, December 2007
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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