On the application of mobility predictions to multipointrelaying in MANETs: kinetic multipoint relays

Haerri, Jérôme;Filali, Fethi;Bonnet, Christian
Research report RR-05-148

In this report, we discuss the improvements multipoint relays may experience by the use of mobility predictions. Multipoint Relaying (MPR) is a
technique to reduce the number of redundant retransmissions while diffusing
a broadcast message in the network. The algorithm creates a dominating
set where only selected nodes are allowed to forward packets. Yet, the election
criteria is solely based on instantaneous nodes’ degrees. The network
global state is then kept coherent through periodic exchanges of messages.
We propose in this report a novel heuristic to select kinetic multipoint relays
based on nodes’ overall predicted degree in the absence of trajectory
changes. Consequently, these exchanges of message may be limited to the
instant when unpredicted topology changes happen. Significant reduction in
the number of messages are then experienced, yet still keeping a coherent
and fully connected multipoint relaying network. Finally, we present some
simulation results to illustrate that our approach is similar to the MPR algorithm
in terms of network coverage, number of multipoint relays, or flooding
capacity, yet with a drastic reduction in the number of messages exchanged during the process.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Research report RR-05-148 and is available at :

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