Symbolic speaker adaptation with phone inventory expansion

Lee, Kyung-Tak; Melnar, Lynette; Talley, Jim; Wellekens, Christian J
ICASSP 2003, 28th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 6-10, 2003, Hong Kong

This paper further develops a previously proposed adaptation method for speech recognition called Symbolic Speaker Adaptation (SSA). The basic idea of SSA is to model a speaker's pronunciation as a blend of speech varieties (SVs) - regional dialects and foreign accents - for which the system has existing pronunciation models. The system determines during an adaptation process the relative applicability of those models, yielding a speech variety profile (SVP) for each speaker. Speaker-dependent lexica for recognition are determined from a speaker's SVP. In this paper, we discuss a series of experiments designed to analyze how the SSA method is affected by SV-balanced training, expanded phone inventories, reduced amounts of adaptation data, and speech from SVs not modeled by the system. The most dramatic improvements were obtained by using expanded ("SV-inclusive") phone inventories. SSA was also shown to be effective with a very small number of adaptation sentences. And, SSA's SV blending scheme yields higher accuracy than using a SV classification scheme for speakers of novel (unseen) SVs.

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