Wireless communications are pervasive and have been used for a century. They are used in a very large set of security applications (communications by security forces, car key remote, alarm systems, access control, drone command and control, and surveillance devices). However, day-to-day applications also require to be protected for privacy and personal security, such as WIFI or mobile communications (2G/3G/4G). At the same several challenges are present in wireless communications security, for example, messages are broadcasted, making it possible to intercept them without being noticed. Wireless signals are subject to jamming, making them unavailable.
This course will give a large perspective of the fundamental challenges in securing wireless communications, from the physical layer, and modulations to the application protocols. A special focus will be put on practice with hands-on exercises (using software-defined radios and WIFI dongles).
Teaching and Learning MethodsThe course is composed of lectures, Labs and small projects with a final presentation.
Course Policies: Class attendance, labs and projects are mandatory.
There are no formal requirements but it is recommended to have a background in radio engineering and security (reminders will be made). Students who follow a 3 track with 3 semesters of courses at EURECOM are recommended to take the class in the third semester (second fall), and it is highly recommended to take “System and Network Security” (SysSec), “Secure communications” (SecCom) and “Radio engineering” (Radio) courses.
The course is made of 5 3-hours long lectures, 2 labs and one final project presentation:
- Introduction to wireless security
- Reverse engineering radio protocols
- Software-defined radio lab
- RFID security
- Wifi security
- WiFi Security Lab
- Project presentation
Learning outcomes:
- Analyze the security of a wireless system
- Identify potential problems and perform pen tests using wireless communications.
- Participate in the design of secure wireless communications systems.
Nb hours: 21,00
Lab reports (20% of the final grade)
A small project that will be presented at the end of the semester (30% of the final grade)
Multiple choice exam (50% of the final grade)