Student initiatives, whether they are associative or university-based, promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge that contribute to the personal development, citizenship, and better integration of students.
It is a very concrete way of developing skills in parallel with one's university education. By carrying out associative projects, students develop cross-cutting skills, particularly in terms of organization, management, accounting, interpersonal skills, etc., which they can now validate in their course of study.
Teaching and Learning Methods: The pedagogical recognition of student commitment takes the form of a CE that can be chosen within an opening UE. It is therefore not mandatory but can be chosen by the student in addition to the curriculum.
Course Policies:
The activities or assignments in the student's commitment can only give rise to one validation per academic year.
The student registers for the CE at the beginning of the semester. Only students who perform one of the functions described above are entitled to register with StudInit.
As the elections of the BDE take place after the registration to the courses, the concerned students will be able to register to StudInit in the Spring semester following their election or in the following Fall semester if they are still active within the BDE at the beginning of the semester.
This EC is not accessible to 1st-year students in the engineering cycle. Students elected to the BDE office in the 1st year may register for StudInit in the Fall semester of the 2nd year if they are still active in the BDE at the beginning of the 2nd year.
The commitment mission must represent a minimum volume of 40 hours over the academic year.
Activities concerned by recognition in the student's curriculum:
Voluntary activity within associations governed by the law of 1 July 1901, including
- Active member of the Students' Office (BDE): students exercising the functions of president, treasurer, and secretary
- Club President of the Students' Office (BDE)
- Active member of the Junior Company office: students acting as president, treasurer, and secretary
- Mentoring / Tutoring (students in their 2nd or 3rd year of the Engineering degree who carry out a mentoring or tutoring mission with a student in their 1st year)
Activities excluded from the recognition of student engagement:
- Occasional participation in associative actions
- Student projects that are already recognized pedagogically
- Internships that are part of the curriculum
Please note: The recognition of student commitment cannot be combined with the following schemes:
- Gap year
- Student employee status
Learning Outcomes:
Making a commitment, taking a stand
- Commit to one or more students, give them time, and listen attentively and sympathetically
Working in a team
- Welcoming, informing, defining tasks and allocating them, motivating, encouraging, involving, and fostering a climate of collaboration and emulation
- Know how to evaluate the work of the members of the association and identify training needs to propose a system to meet them
- Accompany a person or a group and give them the necessary tools to achieve their mission
- Know how to manage conflicts (anticipate them, identify them, facilitate dialogue and find balanced solutions)
- Leading partnerships (informing partners, reporting regularly on project progress)
- Monitoring the design of communication media, feeding them, and updating them (posters, flyers, social networks, information leaflets, etc.)
- Writing presentation documents, summaries, reports, minutes, general assembly minutes…
- Know how to run different types of meetings (agenda, distribution of the floor, time management, etc.)
- Research, process, and analyze relevant and useful information and data for the conduct of a project
Define objectives and find actions and means to meet them
- Identify human, financial, and operational resources to achieve them
- Draw up a work program (timetable, results to be achieved)
Be a force of proposal
- Evaluate the results obtained concerning the objectives set
- Identify the factors of success and failure
- Develop corrective actions, recommendations, or avenues for development
Steering and managing one or more projects
- Deal with unforeseen circumstances in relations with external service providers (no-shows, technical problems, last-minute requests, etc.)
- Identify possible sources of funding at different levels
- Involve different stakeholders in the definition and feasibility of the project
- Define and set up a partnership (reciprocal obligations, the convergence of objectives, formalization by agreement, etc.)
Assume responsibilities
- Managing stress (taking responsibility for oneself, making choices, resisting pressure, etc.)
Nb hours: 50.00
- Whatever the type of commitment, attendance is an evaluation criterion.
- The assessment of the report is based partly on the personal investment and the effective and lasting involvement of the student during the performance of the assignment, but also on his or her ability to present the issues at stake in the assignment clearly, to propose a reflection on the assignment and the skills acquired or developed.
The assessment will be based on a 3 to 5 pages report justifying and describing the activities of the student's commitment, allowing the identification of the skills, knowledge, and aptitudes acquired.
The report is not only descriptive. It is a reflexive approach to the actions carried out, the results obtained and the enhancement of the skills acquired, which may be transversal (working in a team, being autonomous, organizing an event, etc.)
The report will be evaluated by the student life officer or by a person designated by the Director of Studies.
The student may refer to the portfolio of competencies published by the Ministry of Sports, Youth, Popular Education, and Associative Life to help him/her in the reflection and writing of the report.
Based on this evaluation, the validation of the competencies, knowledge, and skills acquired during the activities will be pronounced.