In a globalized world where regions, borders, cultures, men and women, states and firms are getting closer by the day, a minimal understanding of major international issues and current geopolitical challenges (and their many consequences on the daily life of individuals, states, and governments, supranational organizations, and economic actors), no longer appears to be an option but a common-sense necessity.
The diversity of interrogations, of major issues and challenges, of the uncertainties structuring the contemporary international environment, leads today’s observers - the citizens, the Chief executive officer as well as students and future managers - to look carefully at those complex and challenging matters. The knowledge and understanding of those issues have become, in a word, indispensable.
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture/interactive conference with the class; use of various teaching materials and technical tools (PPT presentations, documentaries, TV programs, internet) to maintain student attention and encourage participation.
Course Policies: Attendance and punctuality at all course sessions are mandatory.
AMANAT, A. (2018). Iran: A Modern History. Yale University Press.
ANQUETIL, N., & BOQUERAT, G. (2014). Géopolitique de l’Asie. Nathan.
BARRAL, P-E. (2015). Les Grands théoriciens des relations internationales. Studyrama edition.
CHALCRAFT, J. (2016). Popular Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. Cambridge University Press.
CHRISTENSEN, T. (2015). The China Challenge: Shaping the Choices of a Rising Power. W. W. Norton & Co.
JAULMES, A. (2017). Le monde en 2035 vu par la CIA: le paradoxe du progrès. Equateurs document.
FRAIHAT, I. (2016). Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia After the Arab Spring. Yale University Press.
CRAMODY, P. (2013). The Rise of BRICS in Africa: The Geopolitics of South-South Relations. Zed Books Ltd.
FRANKOPAN, P. (2015). The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. Bloomsbury Publishing.
HARARI, Y. N. (2018). 21 leçons pour le XXIe siècle. Albin Michel.
HUNTINGTON, S. (1997). The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster.
LOYER, B. (2019). Géopolitique, méthodes et concepts. Armand Colin.
HAYTON, B. (2015). The South China Sea - The Struggle for Power in Asia. Yale University Press.
O’SULLIVAN, M. (2019). The Levelling, What's Next After Globalization. PublicAffairs.
STAVRIDIS, J. A. (2017). Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the World's Oceans. Penguin Press.
RAWORTH, K. (2020). Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. Chelsea Green Publishing.
Seven contemporary geopolitical matters were discussed, depending on the subject, its complexity and the current events clusters one, and three hours long.
In a non-exhaustive list of proposed subjects, we have:
- Introduction
- Is the United States, a declining power?
- The rise of China and its consequences
- Natural resources, and energy, the geopolitics of pipelines.
- The Russia-Ukraine conflict.
- The Arab Spring and its aftermaths
To reinforce their skills, students will be put in a situation.
Learning outcomes:
Have at his/her disposal a transverse frame of reference, wide-ranging and up to date and enriched by many examples, that will enable him/her to understand the dimensions of the major international challenges of the day;
Be in a position to comprehend with a clearer distinction the monitoring of international news, in terms of political, diplomatic, defence, cultural, economic and trade dimensions;
Possess a wider and more solid core of knowledge to deal with a contemporary international context generally much too unknown;
- Enjoy a much better understanding of the international context of the 21st century via geopolitical culture.
Nb hours: 21,00
- Continuous assessment (30% of the final grade) – multiple-choice format
- Final Exam (70% of the final grade) - 2 hours, choice between two topics.