On the Technical Misconceptions of Wireless Edge Caching

Ejder Bastug - Huawei Labs in Paris
Communication systems

Date: -
Location: Eurecom

Abstract: Caching is a hot research topic and poised to develop into a key technology for the upcoming 5G wireless networks. The successful implementation of caching techniques however, crucially depends on joint research developments in different scientific domains such as networking, information theory, machine learning, and wireless communications. Moreover, there exist business barriers related to the complex interactions between the involved stakeholders, the users, the cellular operators, and the Internet content providers. In this article we discuss several technical misconceptions with the aim to uncover enabling research directions for caching in wireless systems. Ultimately we make a speculative stakeholder analysis for wireless caching in 5G. This is a joint work with G. Paschos, I. Land, G. Caire and M. Debbah. Speaker: Ejder Bastug is a postdoctoral researcher in CentraleSupélec. He obtained his Ph.D. at CentraleSupélec in December 2015, under the guidance of Prof. Mérouane Debbah and Prof. Jean-Claude Belfiore. His Ph.D. topic was on distributed caching methods in small cell networks, whereas his main research interests are related to stochastic geometry and machine learning tools for wireless communications. He has been in the executive committee of IEEE WCNC 2014, organizing committee of IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015, technical programme committee of EuCNC 2015, and chair of several international workshops. He is in the organizing committee of one of the two flagship conferences of IEEE Communications Society: IEEE ICC 2017, to be held in Paris. Recently, he is the recipient of 2015 of the Supélec Foundation's Publication Prize, for his research activities during the course of his PhD.