Entity-Centric Data Management

Philippe Cudre-Mauroux - professeur à l'université de Fribourg
Multimedia Communications

Date: -
Location: Eurecom

Until recently, structured (e.g., relational) and unstructured (e.g., textual) data were managed very differently: Structured data was queried declaratively using languages such as SQL, while unstructured data was searched using boolean queries over inverted indices. Today, we witness the rapid emergence of entity-centric techniques to bridge the gap between different types of content and manage both unstructured and structured data more effectively. I will start this talk by giving a few examples of entity-centric data management. I will then describe two recent systems that were built in my lab and revolve around entity-centric data management techniques: ZenCrowd (http://diuf.unifr.ch/xi/zencrowd), a socio-technical platform that automatically connects HTML pages to structured entities, and Diplodocus[RDF] (http://diuf.unifr.ch/xi/diplodocus), a scalable and efficient back-end to manage graphs of entities.