Special - Fall intake 2020

Dear future students,


As the director of EURECOM, I am very happy to welcome you to our school and thank you for choosing our programs for your studies this year.


In compliance with all new health regulations, EURECOM will preserve the excellence of its courses and build the following academic year on three central principles:

  • Equality of access to courses for all students regardless of their location.
  • Blended course content, combining remote learning and on-campus teaching at the same time.
  • Adaptability, accommodating all courses needs according to the evolution of the health situation.

The start of the new school year will take place on 28 September 2020, on a dual campus approach.

For the fall semester (September 2020 - February 2021), access to courses is offered in a hybrid form, online as well as on-site,

where physical presence is possible but not mandatory. It is also possible to start your semester online and resume in physical presence at a later date.

Please be informed that EURECOM also organises a welcome introductory week from 21-25 September, in a hybrid form as well.

At the moment, we are intensely working on the virtualisation of all our processes and you will receive further information during the summer on several procedures like how to enroll online, select your courses etc.


For exchange students,

  • same rules apply regarding the hybrid accessibility to the courses and lab classes. However, if you would like to move your exchange to spring semester 2021, you can consult with your home university and let us know as soon as possible.

For non-EU students,

  • since visa procedures could entail delays, starting the academic year online and continue on-site at a later time is possible. However, if you wish you can maintain your online status for the whole semester.


In order to anticipate and organise the fall semester optimally, we would like to know your intentions about physical or digital attendance by 15 August 2020,

by answering to this questionnaire. For any further questions please contact: etude@eurecom.fr


EURECOM's website will get updated regularly with information concerning how the intake and education will be carried out in the fall semester.

Please follow us on our Facebook page as well to make sure you get the latest information.


Once again thank you for choosing EURECOM! We wish you a great summer and we will be glad to welcome you in September!


Best regards,

Ulrich Finger

Director of EURECOM