Du « sens » dans les réseaux

Clavier, Laurent; Kountouris, Marios
Annales des Mines - Enjeux numériques, 2024/3, N°27

Communications networks are designed and operated on the basis of information as defined by Shannon, stripped of its meaning and context. While this basis has enabled networks to evolve incredibly, it is now showing certain limitations in terms of coping with both increasingly demanding applications and planetary limits (sustainability). The theory initiated by Shannon has enabled the development of ever more efficient solutions, but without regard for the reason why information is transmitted. Performance is measured in terms of throughput and spectral or energy efficiency, but not in terms of effectiveness for the intended purpose. Putting the meaning of the information, the reason for its transmission, at the heart of network design and orchestration, will make it possible to achieve the same objectives, or even to fulfill more functions, while limiting, or even reducing, the quantity of data transmitted and therefore the environmental impact of the network. Less is more.

Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/8024