6G-BRICKS architecture overview and key innovations

Bikos, Anastasios N.; Ramantas, Kostas; Nitzold, Walter; Pollin, Sofie; Ksentini, Adlen; Mayrargue, Sylvie; Theodorou, Vasileios; Christofi, Loizos; Gardikis, Georgios; Rahman, Md Arifur; Chawla, Ashima; Ibañez, Francisco; Chochliouros, Ioannis; Nicholon, Didier; Montagud, Mario; Shojaeifard, Arman; Pagkozidis, Alexios; Verikoukis, Christos
EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) and the 6G Summit, 3-6 June 2024, Antwerp, Belgium

AI-driven zero-touch network automation in 6G disruptive enablers ensures security, efficiency, and scalability, particularly in cross-domain and interoperable deployment environments with non-independent and identically distributed points of presence. This paper presents a novel networking architecture for 6G cellular paradigms, named 6G-BRICKS. It aims to deliver the first open and programmable O-RAN Radio Unit (RU) for 6G networks, called the OpenRU, based on an NI USRP-based platform. The architecture also integrates the RIS concept into the Open-Air Interface (OAI), Testing as a Service (TaaS) capabilities, multi-tenancy, disaggregated Operations Support Systems (OSS), and Deep Edge adaptation. The goal is to offer evolvability, granularity, and tackle challenges such as interdisciplinary efforts and large investments in 6G integration.

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