ROBUST-6G: Smart, automated, and reliable security service platform for 6G

Siniarski, Bartlomiej; Sandeepa, Chamara; Wang, Shen; Liyanage, Madhusanka; Ayyildiz, Cem; Yildirim, Veli Can; Alakoca, Hakan; Kesik, Fatma Gunes; Paltun, Betul Guvenc; Perin, Giovanni; Rossi, Michele; Tomasin, Stefano; Chorti, Arsenia; Giardina, Pietro G.; Perez, Garcia; Jorquera Valero, Alberto Jose Maria; Svensson, Tommy; Pappas, Nikolaos; Kountouris, Marios
ICUFN 2024, 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2-5 July, Budapest, Hungary

In the progressive development towards 6G, the ROBUST-6G initiative aims to provide fundamental contributions to developing data-driven, AI/ML-based security solutions to meet the new concerns posed by the dynamic nature of forthcoming 6G services and networks in the future cyber-physical continuum. This aim has to be accompanied by the transversal objective of protecting AI/ML systems from security attacks and ensuring the privacy of individuals whose data are used in AIempowered systems. ROBUST-6G will essentially investigate the security and robustness of distributed intelligence, enhancing privacy and providing transparency by leveraging explainable AI/ML (XAI). Another objective of ROBUST-6G is to promote green and sustainable AI/ML methodologies to achieve energy efficiency in 6G network design. The vision of ROBUST-6G is to optimize the computation requirements and minimize the consumed energy while providing the necessary performance for AI/ML-driven security functionalities; this will enable sustainable solutions across society while suppressing any adverse effects. This paper aims to initiate the discussion and to highlight the key goals and milestones of ROBUST-6G, which are important for investigation towards a trustworthy and secure vision for future 6G networks.

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