Matched-filter precoded rate splitting multiple access: A simple and energy-efficient design

Zhao, Hui; Slock, Dirk
PIMRC 2024, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2-5 September 2024, Valencia, Spain

We introduce an energy-efficient downlink rate splitting multiple access (RSMA) scheme, employing a simple matched filter (MF) for precoding. We consider a transmitter equipped with multiple antennas, serving several single-antenna users at the same frequency-time resource, each with distinct message requests. Within the conventional 1-layer RSMA framework, requested messages undergo splitting into common and private streams, which are then precoded separately before transmission. In contrast, we propose a novel strategy where only an MF is employed to precode both the common and private streams in RSMA, promising significantly improved energy efficiency and reduced complexity. We demonstrate that this MF-precoded RSMA achieves the same delivery performance as conventional RSMA, where the common stream is beamformed using maximal ratio transmission (MRT) and the private streams are precoded by MF. Taking into account imperfect channel state information at the transmitter, we proceed to analyze the delivery performance of the MF-precoded RSMA. We derive the ergodic rates for decoding the common and private streams at a target user respectively in the massive MIMO regime. Finally, numerical simulations validate the accuracy of our analytical models, as well as demonstrate the advantages over conventional RSMA.


Systèmes de Communication
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