This paper investigates the performance of cellular networks assisted by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as flying base stations (FlyBSs). We focus on a scenario with multi-hop relaying via FlyBSs to deliver data from a ground base station (GBS) to users in a challenging case with the channels reused at all hops to exploit radio resources efficiently. Our objective is to maximize the sum capacity of the users via an optimization of FlyBSs’ position in 3D, association of users to either GBS or to one of the FlyBSs, allocation of channels for communication at individual hops, and allocation of transmission power for all channels. Moreover, practical constraints on the FlyBSs’ movement, transmission and propulsion power, and backhaul capacity are taken into account. Due to a non-convexity and discreetness of the objective and some constraints, there is no optimal solution to the formulated problem. Thus, we propose an analytical solution based on an alternating optimization of an energy-efficient placement of the FlyBSs, channel allocation, user association, and transmission power. Each subproblem in the alternating optimization is substituted either by a linear programming (LP) problem through a change of variables, or by a convex problem via a conversion of the objective and constraints. The results show an increase in sum capacity by 35%–60% compared to related works while the FlyBSs’ propulsion power consumption is not increased.
Optimization of placement and resource allocation in UAV-aided multi-hop wireless networks
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 23 February 2024
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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