Despite QEMU’s popularity for binary-only fuzzing, the fuzzing community faces challenges like the proliferation of hard-to-maintain QEMU forks and the lack of an up-to-date, flexible framework well-integrated with advanced fuzzing engines. This leads to a gap in emulation-based fuzzing tools that are both maintainable and fuzzing-oriented. To cope with that, we present LIBAFL QEMU, a library written in Rust that provides an interface for fuzzing-based emulation by wrapping around QEMU, in both system and user mode. We focus on addressing the limitations of existing QEMU forks used in fuzzing by offering a well-integrated, maintainable and up-to-date solution. In this paper, we detail the design, implementation, and practical challenges of LIBAFL QEMU, including its APIs and fuzzing capabilities and we showcase the library’s use in two case studies: fuzzing an Android library and a Windows kernel driver. We compare the fuzzers written for these 2 targets with the state-of-the-art, AFL++ qemu mode for the Android library, and KAFL for the Windows driver. For the former, we show that LIBAFL QEMU outperforms AFL++ qemu mode both in terms of speed and coverage. For the latter, despite KAFL being built above hardware-based virtualization instead of emulation, we show we can run complex targets such as Windows and still reach comparable performance, with an overhead expected by a software emulator.
LibAFL QEMU: A library for fuzzing-oriented emulation
BAR 2024, Workshop on Binary Analysis Research, colocated with NDSS 2024, 1 March 2024, San Diego, USA
San Diego
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Eurecom Ref:
Copyright Usenix. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in BAR 2024, Workshop on Binary Analysis Research, colocated with NDSS 2024, 1 March 2024, San Diego, USA and is available at :
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