ICC 2022, IEEE 1st International Workshop on Semantic Communications, 16-20 May 2022, Seoul, South Korea (Virtual Event)
Edge computing is one of the critical components enabling low-latency demanding services in beyond 5G networks. Indeed, the deployed applications at the edge benefit from their close position to end-users to guarantee low latency access. Considering the case of a network slicing enabled network, we introduce Lightweight edge Slice Orchestration (LeSO) framework, a cloud-native oriented orchestrator that orchestrates and manages the deployment of micro-services as sub-slices at the edge. Whilst the existing orchestration frameworks are greedy of computing resource consumption and fail to integrate with the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) domain, LeSO by design is very lightweight and integrates a MEC platform-like component to guarantee traffic steering to automate edge slice deployment. Experiment results show that LeSO necessities a small amount of CPU and memory, even when a high number of edge slices
are deployed.
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