What you say is not what you do: Studying visio-linguistic models for TV series summarization

Reboud, Alison; Troncy, Raphaël
ICCV 2021, 1st International Computer Vision Workshop, 11-17 October 2021 (Virtual Event)

In this paper, we generate TV series summaries using both visual cues present in video frames and screenplay (dialogue and scenic textual descriptions). Recently, approaches relying on pre-trained vision and language representations have proven to be successful for several downstream tasks using paired text and images. For TV series summarization, we hypothesize that both scenic information and dialogues are useful to generate summaries. Visiolinguistic models being presented as task-agnostic, we explore if and how they can be used for TV series summarization by conducting experiments with varying text inputs and models fine-tuned on different datasets. We observe that such generic models, despite not being specifically designed for narrative understanding, achieve results closed to the state of the art. Our results suggest also that non aligned data also benefit from this type of visio-linguistics architecture.

Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
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