The talk will elaborate on the recent breakthroughs and open challenges in applying coded caching in wireless settings. We will see how the wireless medium forces a new set of fundamental challenges and bottlenecks which can -- unless dealt with -- all but dissolve some of the theoretical gains of coded caching as we know it. At the same time though, we will analyze some new opportunities that the wireless medium offers towards further leveraging the ideas behind coded multicasting. We will also elaborate on open challenges in information theoretic converses, open challenges in applying combinatorics to reduce the subpacketization problem, as well as a variety of challenges for the communication theorists and network theorists in the audience. At the end, we will seek to shed light on a much more open-ended question: Can caching truly make a difference as a core technology in wireless communications?
Can caching truly make a difference as a core technology in wireless communications?
WIOPT 2021, 19th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, 18-21 October 2021 (Virtual Conference)
Invited paper in a conference
Systèmes de Communication
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