Dynamic switch between load based and frame based channel access mechanisms in unlicensed spectrum

Le, Trung-Kien; Kaltenberger, Florian; Salim, Umer
GLOBECOM 2021, IEEE Global Communications Conference, 7-11 December 2021, Madrid, Spain

In unlicensed spectrum, a 5G device is required to access to a channel by using load based equipment (LBE) where it does channel sensing whenever it has data to transmit or frame
based equipment (FBE) where it only does channel sensing per fixed period. The devices using LBE and FBE can coexist in the 5G network. Therefore, this paper provides a Markov chain model to analyze the system where the LBE devices and the FBE devices coexist. Subsequently, based on channel access time and transmission probability from the Markov chain model, we propose that the devices are able to switch dynamically from FBE to LBE to serve data with high priority such as Ultra-reliable lowlatency communication or data with high arrival rate and from LBE to FBE to serve data with low priority such as Enhanced mobile broadband or data with low arrival rate. The numerical results show the benefits of the dynamic switch between LBE and FBE in reducing channel access time for high priority data and energy consumption for low priority data.

Systèmes de Communication
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