In this work, we present and analyze methods and mechanisms for interconnecting a network slice control and management system of the mobile network, with an IEEE Time-Sensitive Network (TSN) control plane. IEEE TSN is gaining momentum as a key technology that is able to provide network service guarantees for Ethernet-based communications. Although Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) have been thoroughly investigated in 5G, incorporating TSN technologies in the Transport Network is expected to unleash the potential of end-to-end deterministic communications, especially in industrial environments and time-critical applications like factory automation. We elaborate on the concepts of a TSN-aware Xhaul network, present a novel architecture, and describe a set of amendments required in order to enable network slicing. With the devised approach, a slice-aware TSN-enabled transport network can be controlled and managed in an end-to-end orchestrated way. Implementation experience and evaluation results are reported using TSN-enabled prototype devices, OpenAirInterface (OAI), and JOX slice orchestrator.
Network slicing for TSN-based transport networks
IEEE Access, 21 April 2021
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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