In this paper, we analyze the high-SNR regime of the M × K Network MISO channel in which each transmitter has access to a different channel estimate, possibly with different precision. It has been recently shown that, for some regimes, this setting attains the same Degrees-of-Freedom as the ideal centralized setting with perfect Channel State Information (CSI) sharing, in which all the transmitters are endowed with the best estimate available at any transmitter. This result is restricted by the limitations of the Degrees-of-Freedom metric, as it only provides information about the slope of growth of the capacity as a function of the SNR, without any insight about the possible performance at a given SNR. In order to overcome this limitation, we analyze the affine approximation of the rate on the highSNR regime for this decentralized Network MISO setting for the antenna configurations in which it achieves the Degrees-ofFreedom of the centralized setting. We show that, for a regime of antenna configurations, it is possible to asymptotically attain the same achievable rate as in the ideal centralized scenario. Consequently, it is possible to achieve the beamforming gain of the ideal perfect-CSI-sharing setting even if only a subset of transmitters is endowed with precise CSI, which can be exploited in scenarios such as distributed massive MIMO where the number of transmit antennas is much bigger than the number of served users. This outcome is a consequence of the synergistic compromise between CSI precision at the transmitters and consistency between the locally-computed precoders, which is a inherent trade-off of decentralized settings that does not exist in the centralized CSI configuration. We propose a precoding scheme achieving the previous result, which is built on an uneven structure in which some transmitters reduce the precision of their own precoding vector for the sake of using transmission parameters that can be more easily predicted by the other transmitters.
Asymptotically achieving centralized rate on the decentralized network MISO channel
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2021
Systèmes de Communication
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