NOMS 2020, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 20-24 April 2020, Budapest, Hungary (Virtual Conference)
The 5G mobile network is supposed to handle a variety of services with different requirements. By means of virtualization, network slices form customized virtual networks transporting services with associated service guarantees. Especially the radio access network (RAN) requires an efficient multiplexing of multiple services onto the sparse radio resources. In this demo, we show how a RAN can be dynamically customized
without service interruptions for different slices. In particular, our solution considers the slice requirements and adapts the slicing algorithm without interrupting other slices
in the network. This allows an efficient resource usage while respecting isolation and performance requirements, in particular latency. Furthermore, dynamic end-to-end slicing is enabled by automatically adding core networks as required by the slice owner. Finally, this solution allows to compare different slice algorithm implementations.
Poster / Demo
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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