The softwarization of network processing components coupled with virtualization of network infrastructure constitutes the foundation for a multi-service and multi-tenant architecture. In this context, radio access network (RAN) slicing is emerging as a key enabler to flexibly customize and manage virtualized base stations while sharing the radio resources among them, with the objective of accommodating operators, service providers, over-the-top, and service providers' requirements. This tutorial will shed light on the challenges, solutions and technologies, and enabling tools focusing on open-source tools to realize RAN slicing and interconnect it with the Core Network slices to build the concept of end to end slice in the context of 4G and 5G network. Particularly, the tutorial will also rely on concrete prototypes and solutions with alternative RAN slicing approaches to illustrate how the performance guarantee and isolation are provided to each slices.
RAN slicing: Challenges, technologies, and tools
NOMS 2018, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 23-27 April 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
Systèmes de Communication
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