Efficient virtual evolved packet core deployment across multiple cloud domains

Bagaa, Miloud; Taleb, Tarik; Laghrissi, Abdelquoddouss; Ksentini, Adlen
WCNC 2018, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 15-18 April 2018, Barcelona, Spain

Best Paper Award

Many ongoing research activities relevant to 5G mobile systems concern the virtualization of the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) elements aiming for system scalability, elasticity, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC) will principally rely on some key technologies, such as Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Cloud Computing, for enabling the concept of Mobile Carrier Cloud. The key idea beneath this concept, known also as EPC as a Service (EPCaaS), consists in deploying virtual instances (i.e., Virtual Machines or Containers) of key core network functions (i.e., Virtual Network Functions -- VNF), such as the Mobility Management Entity (MME), Serving GateWay (SGW), and Packet Data network gateWay (PGW) over a federated cloud. In this vein, an efficient VNF placement algorithm is highly needed to sustain the Quality of Service (QoS) while reducing the deployment cost. Our contribution, in this paper, is to devise an algorithm that derives the optimal number and locations of vEPC's virtual instances over the federated cloud. The proposed algorithm is based on coalition formation game, wherein the aim is to build optimal coalitions of Cloud Networks (CNs) to host the virtual instances of the vEPC elements. The obtained results clearly indicate the advantages of the proposed algorithm in ensuring QoS given a fixed cost for vEPC deployment, while maximizing the profits of cloud operators.

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