Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2017/1038
The increasing use of machine learning algorithms to deal with large amount of data and the expertise required by these algorithms lead users to outsource machine learning services. This raises a trust issue about their result when executed in an untrusted environment. Veriable computing (VC) tackles this issue and provides computational integrity for an outsourced computation, although the bottleneck of state of the art
VC protocols is the prover time. In this paper, we design a VC protocol tailored to verify a sequence of operations for which existing VC schemes do not perform well on all the operations.We thus suggest a technique to compose several specialized and efficient VC schemes with Parno et al.'s general purpose VC protocol Pinocchio, by integrating the verication of the proofs generated by these specialized schemes as a function that is part of the sequence of operations veried using Pinocchio. The resulting scheme keeps Pinocchio's property while being more efficient for the prover. Our scheme relies on the underlying cryptographic assumptions of the composed protocols for correctness and soundness.
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Eurecom Ref:
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