Enabling ubiquitous and personalized mobile Internet requires pushing the boundaries of existing network and service infrastructure. The softwarization and virtualiztion of radio access network functions are two key ingredients to abstract infrastructure resources and enable the delivery of the network as a service. Their tight coupling provides the flexibility needed to provision network resources on-demand and to compose and chain network service functions dynamically to meet a wide range of use-cases. The objectives of this course is to describe how the software-define networking and network function virtualization principles can be combined in designing cloud-native and programmable radio access networks. We show that a full GPP approach brings the required flexibility in splitting, chaining, and placement of RAN functions while meeting the realtime deadlines. We further illustrate how to achieve programmability through an agent that acts as a local controller for one or many network functions and executes various actions in cooperation with the centralized controller as well as other agents. Finally, we develop some future directions in the perspective of 5G research with use cases found in IoT.
Cloud-native and programmable radio access networks (version 2)
RESCOM 2016, Ecole d'été, 5G et l'Internet des Objets, 13-17 Juin 2016, Guidel-Plages, France
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in RESCOM 2016, Ecole d'été, 5G et l'Internet des Objets, 13-17 Juin 2016, Guidel-Plages, France and is available at :
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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/4948