ICASSP 2014, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, May 4-9, 2014, Firenze, Italy
Ergodic interference alignment (IA) is a simple yet powerful tool that not only achieves the optimal K/2 degrees of freedom (DoF) of the K-user single-input single-output (SISO)
interference channel (IC), but also allows each user to achieve at least half of its interference-free capacity at any SNR. By considering more general message sets, Nazer et al. also covered the MISO case. In this paper, we consider first the SIMO interference channel and extend ergodic IA techniques to this setting with Nr receive antennas. Our scheme achieves KNr/(Nr + 1), which is the DoF yielded by (standard) IA and is also the DoF of the channel when K > Nr. Moreover, this technique exhibits spatial scale invariance. By combining the existing MISO and the new SIMO results, we can also cover MIMO with Nt transmit antennas for the cases where
either Nt/Nr or Nr/Nt is an integer R, yielding DoF = min(Nt,Nr)KR/(R + 1) which is optimal for K > R.
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