Dynamic resource allocation in heterogeneous networks

Villa, Tania; Merz, Ruben; Knopp, Raymond
GLOBECOM 2013, IEEE Global Communications Conference, 9-13 December 2013, Atlanta, USA

LTE systems do not suffer from intra-cell interference, but they are affected by interference coming from adjacent cells. However, most of the research on resource allocation and
repetition protocols has not paid attention to the interference case. In this paper, we consider the problem of dynamic resource allocation for IR-HARQ schemes under the presence of interference. We consider resource allocation by means of rate and physical dimensions adaptation in each HARQ round.We provide a mathematical framework that can be applied for the analysis of heterogeneous networks. Rather than performing extensive simulations, we take an information theoretic approach to derive analytical expressions that represent the long-term throughput of the network and we consider distributed resource allocation policies. Our policies are applicable for both the uplink and downlink channels.

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