Mobile cyber-physical systems for wireless vehicular communications: concepts, methodology and perspectives

Härri, Jérôme

Wireless Vehicular Networks requires an unconventional expertise and methodology. Knowledge in the domain of vehicular traffic modeling is required at the same time as the understanding of the fundamental aspects of communication channels. It bears multiple similarities to the discipline of cyber-physical systems, where advanced intelligent communication solutions must be applied to systems constrained by laws of physics. In this thesis, we describe the evolution of the challenges in wireless vehicular communication on the one hand, from opportunistic networking, to wireless congestion control and finally awareness control, and predicting vehicular mobility on the other hand, with danger prediction, reliable GIS and information theoretic transmit policies. We particularly emphasis the role and implications of vehicular mobility and the requirement of concepts inspired from Cyber-physical systems for efficient and adaptive wireless vehicular communications.

Systèmes de Communication
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