Dynamic rate allocation in Markovian quasi-static

Avrachenkov, Konstantin; Cottatellucci, Laura; Maggi, Lorenzo
WIOPT 2013, 11th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, May 13-17, 2013, Tsukuba Science City, Japan

We deal with multiple access channels whose channel coefficients follow a quasi-static Markov process on a finite set of states. We address the issue of allocating transmission rates to users in each time interval, such that optimality and fairness of an allocation are preserved throughout a communication, and moreover all the users are consistently satisfied with it. First we show how to allocate the rates in a global optimal fashion.We give
a sufficient condition for the optimal rates to fulfil some fairness criteria in a time consistent way. Then we utilize the gametheoretical concepts of time consistent Core and Cooperation
Maintenance.We show that in our model the sets of rates fulfilling these properties coincide and they also coincide with the set of global optimal rate allocations. The relevance of our dynamic rate allocation to LTE systems is also shown.

Systèmes de Communication
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