This paper presents a method to disseminate alert messages in the context of new emerging communication standards, such as LTE and Wave. The applications involving the broadcast of periodic messages, can be described using the MBMS (Multicast/Broadcast Multimedia Service). Public Safety alert systems perform one important task in the context of Public Safety Networks (PSNs). The method proposed here is responsible for delivering alert messages to the greatest number of people in a specified area. To accomplish this task a new method, Virtual Road Side Unit (vRSU) is proposed to help the authorities to reach isolated people. The system works even if the deployed structure is severed damaged, i.e. most part of the regular Road Side Units (RSU) are out of order. In our method nodes work cooperatively to propagate the message to other nodes, when re-propagating messages nodes, vRSUs, behave as regular RSUs.
Multicast and virtual road side units for multi technology alert messages dissemination
WMAPS 2011, 1st International Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks for Public Safety Systems, October 21, 2011, Valencia, Spain
Workshop's best paper award
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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