A game theoretical approach to resource allocation in wireless networks

He, Gaoning




A multiuser wireless environment is a highly structured system where competition

and cooperation coexist. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the role

and the applications of game theory to the resource allocation problem in selforganizing

multiuser wireless networks. Various game-theoretical tools will be

considered, including strategic form games with complete information, potential

games, Bayesian games, coupled constraints games, and Nash bargaining games.

There are four main results in this thesis. First, non-cooperative games with

complete information are introduced to study the resource allocation problem

in the context of small-cell wireless networks. In this game-theoretical setup,

the wireless devices are assumed to have complete information about the global

network status. It is shown that this game can be viewed as a potential game.

Thus, the existence and convergence of equilibrium can be readily addressed.

Second, non-cooperative games with incomplete information are introduced to

study a distributed resource allocation problem in the context of fading multiple

access channels. This case is formulated as a Bayesian waterfilling game, in

which the wireless devices are assumed to have only local information about

the fading channel states. This Bayesian game formulation is important from a

practical point of view, as wireless devices can have local information but can

barely access to global information on the network status. Further, coupled

constraints games as well as various fairness concepts are introduced to study

the rate allocation problem in the capacity region of multiple access channels.

The concept of normalized equilibrium is adopted to address the equilibrium

selection problem. Remarkably, when the decision making is based only on

statistical information, all fairness concepts coincide with the unique normalized

equilibrium. Finally, Nash bargaining games are introduced to improve the noncooperative

system performance of the small-cell wireless networks.

Systèmes de Communication
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