A provably secure secret handshake with dynamic controlled matching

Sorniotti, Alessandro;Molva, Refik
Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July 2010

A Secret Handshake is a protocol that allows two users to mutually verify one another's properties, with the assurance that only authorized parties are able to engage in a successful protocol run. In case of simultaneous matching, the two parties share a key that can be used to secure subsequent communications. In this paper, we present the first Secret Handshake scheme that allows dynamic matching of properties under stringent security requirements: in particular, the right to prove and to verify are strictly under the control of an authority. This work merges characteristics of Secret Handshake with features peculiar to Secure Matchmaking.

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© Elsevier. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Computers and Security, Volume 29, Issue 5, July 2010 and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2009.11.004

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