Spatial interference cancellation and pairwise error probability analysis

Ghaffar, Rizwan;Knopp, Raymond
ICC 2009, IEEE International Conference on Communications, June 14-18, 2009, Dresden, Germany

Future wireless communication systems being characterized by tight frequency reuse, adaptive modulation and coding schemes and diversified data services will be interference limited by interfering signals of diverse rates and strengths. Keeping in view such a scenario, we propose in this paper the application of a proposed low complexity match filter (MF) based detector for spatial interference cancellation in the presence of one strong interferer. We derive an analytical upper bound for the coded pair wise error probability (PEP) for the proposed MF based detector using the moment generating function (MGF) based method and prove that this detector not only recuperates the diversity order lost by MMSE but also exhibits a coding gain as the interference gets stronger. We also study in this paper the effect of non Gaussian interference on coded PEP of MMSE linear detection and demonstrate the deficit of one order of diversity and a coding loss as the interference gets stronger. Our analysis provides insights to explain the relative performance of MMSE and proposed MF based detectors as a function of the strength of interference. Finally we demonstrate the strength of our new analytical PEP upper bounds by simulations.

Systèmes de Communication
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