On congestion-aware broadcasting in V2X networks

Hrizi, Fatma;Filali, Fethi
Nets4Cars 2009, International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, October, 13-14, 2009, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Due to the dramatic increase in the number of accidents all over the world, a rapid emergence of wireless vehicular networks has been perceived in the last few years, particularly, aiming at improving safety and efficiency in the road. Such applications require broadcast communications to disseminate emergency information in brief delay for all the vehicles in the area of danger. Designing an efficient broadcast scheme is crucial. For this reason, a large variety of approaches have been proposed. In this paper, we present a survey on various efforts for designing suitable multi-hop message dissemination schemes for vehicular systems especially which have been focused on reducing channel congestion. Furthermore, we propose a comparison of message dissemination proposals. Their performance evaluation and their advantages and limitations are also highlighted.

Systèmes de Communication
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