Hybrid TOA/AOD/doppler-shift localization algorithm for NLOS environments

Papakonstantinou, Konstantinos;Slock, Dirk T M
PIMRC 2009, IEEE 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium, September 13-16, 2009, Tokyo, Japan


Accurate location estimation of the Mobile Terminal in a strictly Non-Line-of-Sight propagation environment is still a challenging problem. Existing techniques that attempt to tackle this problem, either perform poorly or are not very practical due to their high computational complexity. In this work we present a low-complexity 2-step approach for the joint estimation of the location and the speed in the presence of nuisance parameters. This hybrid method effectively extracts the location-related information contained in the Doppler Shift, without explicit knowledge of the AOA. It then combines this information with the AOD and the TOA and outputs a Least-Square estimate. Despite its simplicity, it can achieve an accuracy of 10cm in 75% of the cases for sufficiently high SNR1.





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