This paper introduces a distributed and fine grained access control mechanism based on encryption for XML document centric collaborative applications. This mechanism also makes it possible to simultaneously protect the confidentiality of a document and to verify its authenticity and integrity, as well to trace its updates. The enforcement of access control is distributed to participants and does not rely on a central authority. Novel aspects of the proposed framework include the adoption of a decentralized key management scheme to support the client-based enforcement of the access control policy. This scheme is driven by the expression of access patterns of interest of the participants over document parts to determine the keys required. A lazy rekeying protocol is also defined to accommodate the delegation of access control decisions that in particular reduces rekeying latency when faced with the addition and removal of participants.
Distributed access control for XML document centric collaborations
EDOC 2008, 12th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing, September 15-19, 2008, München, Germany
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