Différentes stratégies pour le suivi de locuteur

Bonastre, Jean-François; Delacourt, Perrine; Fredouille, Corinne; Meignier, Sylvain; Merlin, Teva; Wellekens, Christian J
RFIA 2000, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificelle, February 1-3, 2000, Paris, France

This work addresses speaker tracking, which is closely related to speaker indexing. The task consists in detecting the recorded segments utteredby a givenspeaker. In this approach, only the model of the target speaker is available and only the documents uttered by this given speaker are taken into account. In this paper, two different stategies are explored to set up systems for speaker tracking. The first one relies on a speaker indexing tool. Speaker turns are detected in the front-end of the system without any knowledge on possible speakers. Once the signal has been segmented, a classical speaker verification process is applied to each segment and checks if this segment corresponds to the target speaker. The second solution is worked out from a segmental speaker recognition system from which only the decision step is adapted to the task at the hand. In this case, decision on the presence of the target speaker in the record is based onthewhole recorded document. Segments corresponding to the target speaker are simultaneously detected. Eventually, an improvement of this last technique is discussed, more specifically for documents containing multiple speaker utterances.

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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/269