Optimum end-to-end distortion of interleaved transmission via a rayleigh MIMO channel

Chen, Jinhui;Slock, Dirk T M
PIMRC 2008, 19th IEEE international Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, September 15-18, 2008, Cannes, France

In this paper, we study the optimum expected endto- end distortion on a reproduced white thermal noise source conveyed over a flat Rayleigh fading multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel with time-interleaving. Assuming no outage event happens, perfect channel information at the receiver and ideal interleaving, we derive the analytical expression of the tight lower bound on the expected quadratic end-to-end distortion for general signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and analyze its asymptotic form at high SNR. Straightforwardly, the tight lower bound for no-outage cases is also a lower bound for outage cases although loose. Our results expose the mechanism of how time diversity branches benefit the end-to-end distortion for a MIMO system.

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