Portivity : Object Based Interactive Mobile TV System Networked and Electronic Media

J. Deigmöller;Fernandez, Gabriel;Lopez, Alejandro;Merialdo, Bernard;Neuschmied, Helmut;Pinyol, F;Trichet, Rémi;Wolf, Patrick;Salgado, Roger;Milagaia, Fernando;Glaser, Sven;Duffy, Annette
NEM SUMMIT 2008, Networked and Electronic Media, October 13-15, 2008, Saint-Malo, France

The porTiVity project is developing a converged rich media iTV system, which integrates broadcast and mobile broadband delivery to portables and mobiles and which will enable the end-user to act on moving objects within TV programmes. porTiVity has developed tools which enable producers to link rich media information with objects in the TV programme. The developments of the project include the playout of portable rich media iTV and the middleware, data and presentation engine in the handheld receiver. For middleware, metadata and the application layer, the project makes use of international standards such as MPEG-4 A/V, MPEG- 4 LASeR, MPEG-7 Metadata and DVB-H. On the distribution side, the open standard MXF is used as material exchange format to deliver A/V content to the authoring suite and to distribute the authored rich media information between authoring suite and playout centre. In order to test the overall system and to show its feasibility, two different services were implemented: »Spur & Partner« and "iSports".

Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/2600