Quality of service support for reactive routing inmobile ad hoc networks

Nikaein, Navid; Bonnet, Christian; Rastogi, Ashish
Research report RR-02-064

This paper presents a Quality of Service (QoS) model for reactive routing in mobile ad hoc networks, denoted as 2LQoS- two-layered quality of service. We propose network layer metrics and application layer metrics as the additional constraints to the conventional ones to determine paths between a source and a destination. Network layer metrics determine the quality of links in order to generate the paths with good quality. On the other hand, application layer metrics select exactly one path out of the paths with a good quality according to the application requirements. That is why, a two-layered architecture is proposed to deploy quality of service in ad hoc networks.

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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Research report RR-02-064 and is available at :

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